Monday, September 27, 2010

Ningbo CHIC - Yum CRC show "weapon"

"Innovation, upgrading, integration and development" as the theme of the thirteenth Ningbo International Fashion Fair on Oct. 22 in Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center opened, a 4-day exhibition officially opened to meet the P Plus guests. CHIC exhibition area of 45,000 square meters, exhibits covering the apparel, garment machinery, fabrics and accessories, clothing, etc. on the middle and lower reaches CAD industry chain, attracted a total of 56 countries from around the world and regions, 28 provinces City a total of more than 9660 domestic and foreign buyers and professional traders to be the procurement, negotiation, up to six thousand times the number of visitors.

Hangzhou Yum Kai Union also coordinated the body 100 together Starlink software participated in the CHIC and the work of local well-known equipment manufacturers in Ningbo, "Friends locomotive" join the festivities - a total booth cooperation through mutual the influence of shared clients brand. Bright and spacious exhibition hall in the fifth coming and going, our booth doing my part to become the most popular museum, "site", while we indulge in a corner booth, but still can not stop the customers come here especially. Or 32 in groups or alone, merchants a one followed. Simulated assembly line next to explain the presentation, discussion area cooperation in the deliberations, Jie Shiyi send crowded, bustling scene.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dealers sustained growth Quartet

Dealers, a fight in the battlefield at the forefront of sales in China, an unshaken front-line positions in the strikes, and similar groups. They set up a regional market network and sales model, is the most simple marketing theory, and the most appropriate mode of China's national conditions and practice of marketing. They are warriors in bloody fighting in the smoke; they are heroes to win the loyalty of consumers favor the desperately hard work, determined to fierce competition in the cut his way through, and lay half of the country. Ebb Tide, the beginning is real gold. Face a new round of competition, from a strategic perspective, dealers should be sustained and rapid development, to achieve the ultimate profit, must have a clear strategic thinking. Manufacturers and consumers as the key link between the dealers have a pivotal position, however, by conventional reasoning can think of the direction of the same competitors will, over time, only caught on among the homogeneous competition. Therefore, we need not by a long and strike, to avoid the conventional way. The Art of War goes: surprise, Gongqibubei. From business risk, survival mode, development strategy, sustainable profitability to four continuous growth model framework dealer to differentiation strategy to achieve the ultimate profit development.

First, operational risks

First of all, in the new economic environment of the liquor dealers, the biggest risk is from the market. To supermarkets under the terminal, chain and other large-scale emergence of a variety of ways, there are manufacturers with Direct, direct marketing and other forms of intervention, combined with competition among liquor products from the original property has been well-known brands of wine and between competition, promoted to more new products to enter the competition more intense, more saturated market, dealer profits plummet. Faced with such a large number of liquor dealers a "wolf before, after Tiger Balm, the traps are more heavily surrounded by" the scene, their living environment do not optimistic.

Second, the dealer's risk from the agent factory there. Manufacturers regular Yahuo, out of stock and the market flooded with fakes, and more significant part of the liquor manufacturers, after the market do a good job, it's frequently staged "burning bridges, bad faith," the event, dealers regardless of their own compared to the ability of even the best, for liquor manufacturers, but also just a vulnerable group only, not withstand the liquor manufacturers from a violent storm.

Finally, the dealer's business risks, in addition to agents from the market and manufacturers, more or from its own. Many of China's current liquor dealers, the overall prevalence of the perfect sales network channels, not really full control channels and terminals; same time, the dealer is one of the most cohabitation group, qualities and abilities are uneven, making Bai Jiu Xin selection of products with little in-depth research and analysis of the development in Shichangzhanlue also appears on the experience of too Yu, weak technology. The core of the overall regional market less competitive.

Second, survival mode

Know thyself, know yourself. To liquor market competition out homogenization of "Red Sea", liquor dealers should first have full knowledge of their own, fully understand its mode of existence. Only by understanding yourself and understanding the wine market, understand the manufacturer, identify your surroundings, as well as imminent or has problems, so as to devise strategies.

For a long period of time among the white wine enterprises are to occupy a place at top speed in the market, the product quickly to market among the sales channels to create a more complete and obtain the advantages of Distribution Issues and market share, must be dealers in marketing the network to rely on the cooperation of channels, through a network of dealers good resources, and relatively more mature marketing channels quickly mobilize regional markets, dealers at all levels, the wholesaler, as a Chinese liquor marketing channels the power of the most basic, but the survival of liquor dealers and the commercial value basis, it is the liquor business by the demand for the channel came into being.

Thus, according to the core values of liquor dealers - end retail outlets, product diversion and distribution, we can clearly see that because distributors have a network of different regional markets, distribution capabilities and the control of different resources for different customers, usually divided into batches of total dealer and distributor.

Among them, the total market has a strong network of dealers, with the depth distribution of abilities and skills, and local supermarkets, shopping malls and hotel has a large catering business, a sound regional market network management system, clear that maintenance of the network Establish customer data importance. The survival mode is to sit on best-selling liquor brand in the same time, agents of other products to get more profits. Strong distributor network strength and strong liquor brand is easy to form a strong combination between the tendency to dream of a better win-win sales.

The second installment of the relatively weaker dealers will usually sell well in the distribution of products, a better grasp of some profit short-acting products, in order to increase capital accumulation, and efforts to develop the surrounding area. Second installment of the most fatal flaw is that dealers do their small-scale in the market, only to see the immediate benefits, blind in no time on market research to develop the network.

Both batches of total dealer or distributor, in seeking to maximize profits while should grasp the following points:

1, in a competitive environment, free replacement of the runway is a little bigger and the dealer;

2, distribution, market development must be in depth analysis and consideration, remember that reckless act;

3, to further develop and market expansion, we must dare to cross-sectoral thinking, cross-sectoral integration, the introduction of amateur play bold, daring play different business reference.

Third, development strategy

Liquor dealers, in order to achieve sustained profitable growth, simply grasp the "fast, accurate and relentless, singular," four points:

Fast -

Be quick, to the regional market faster network construction, market competition, rapid strike, sales strategy, rushed the upper, the agile enterprise profit growth as the first element;

Rapid expansion around the market, the formation of radiation and its coverage;

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